A light called “Charlotte”

Sometimes it feels a little lonely promoting the mission of the Cavity Conservation Initiative.  Let’s face it; we’re trying to get folks excited about  dead trees!  How easy is that?!  Can you imagine our delight to discover we have an ambassador in Illinois!  What’s more, she’s been working at this longer than we have!!  Meet author Charlotte Adelman!  In this photo she poses in front of a dead tree with one of our Wildlife Tree signs.

How did we meet?  Charlotte’s been searching for Wildlife Tree signs for some time and discovered our website.  Charlotte believes the signs get people to take notice of dead trees and help convey their value.  She’s been spreading them around the Chicago area.

But Charlotte’s light shines on a wider mission, to promote native plants of similar appearance and growing requirements to replace the nonnatives we might otherwise plant in our landscapes.  A portion of her upcoming book reveals the value of snags and is available for pre-order:

Midwestern Native Shrubs and Trees, Gardening Alternatives to Nonnative Species, By Charlotte Adelman and Bernard L. Schwartz.  It is a companion to:  The Midwestern Native Garden, Native Alternatives to Nonnative Flowers and Plants.   

 Biodiversity is a concept Charlotte embraces.  She’s enlightened, and her passion is a light flooding the mid-west, and now for us!





About the Author
