Our youth advocate promotes dead trees to peers!

Our reasons for joy keep rising when it comes to Dessi and his mom, Beatrix, who live in the Los Angeles area.   Dessi is a student whom we watch with great hope.  This 12 year-old is a model nature enthusiast and advocate. Teaching his peers about the value of dead trees to wildlife at a recent science fair is just his latest effort to help the Cavity Conservation Initiative.  His parents deserve enormous credit, having emphasized the value of time spent in nature rather than indoors.  In this photo his mom is holding our poster which illustrates local cavity nesting birds.

Dessi’s bluebird nest box building and monitoring project last year proved to be a scientific study to rival that of a professional ornithologist.  His bird illustrations alone would make your jaw hit the floor!  Expect to hear more about Dessi in the future.  We are proud of him and stand in the growing line of others who are!  Meanwhile, see if you can cultivate more Dessi’s in your neck of the woods!


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