A dead tree is much, much more than a nursery!

Gillian Martin

Barn Owl Joe Galkowski

You may already know that a dead tree is a nursery for more than eighty birds in North America, but have you observed its usefulness to birds in other ways?  Thanks to our wildlife photographer partners, now you too can see a dead tree for all its untold virtue.  Well, that’s not true exactly.  Just for this occasion, we’re setting aside mention of how other organisms and ecosystems benefit from a tree’s demise.  Here’s a photo gallery we’ve assembled for you.

Can you can think of dying trees this way?:  What’s true of us as we age also applies to trees.  Beauty becomes less about appearance and more about the intrinsic value we retain. For safety and other reasons many of us have to leave our home, but like old trees, sometimes we just need a little extra care to remain. Perhaps you have an advance directive for your health care provider?  We’ve come up with one for a dying tree!   Please consider it before you cut it down and haul it away completely.

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