Nest boxes support cavity nesting birds where dead trees are absent. Now more than ever, trained volunteers are needed to care for them!

You are likely familiar with the saying, ‘right tree, right place’?  Behind the expression is a message  that without careful selection and management, trees are more likely to fail or do harm.  The same care is needed when selecting a nest box design, a location for it, the method of installation, maintenance etc.

Cavity nesting birds are likely to breed successfully in boxes designed for their species, placed in suitable habitats and where predation risks are lower. But several other factors need to be considered as well.  When not chosen or placed correctly, the wrong box in the wrong place can be a disaster waiting to happen. 

Many volunteer-run organizations support cavity nesting birds by monitoring nest boxes during the nesting season.  They appeal to us in earnest.  More volunteers are needed to replace those that retire.  This is not a difficult or full-time commitment.  It can be a safe activity even during a pandemic.  Best of all,  the work offers numerous rewards.  Before you consider installing a new box elsewhere, please consider assisting these organizations in caring for the successful boxes they have in place…or for that matter in filling other operational needs.  Also check your local Audubon Society for similar opportunities:


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